Southill Family Resource Centre
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Further Education, Training and Employment
- Parenting and Family Support
- Information and Advice
- Migrant
Target Age
- 0 - 5 years
- 5 - 12 years
- 13 - 18 years
- 16 - 18 years
- 19 - 24 years
- Adults (18 years plus)
- Parents/Guardians
- Families
We Provide Community, Family Support Services, Educational services, Counselling, Creative Arts Therapy, Adult Counselling to the Southill Communty and surrounding areas..We work directly with Families, Parents and the general Community. We have a part time woker that works with the migrant community in Southill provide information support and advice. We provide a range of Credited and Non-Accredited Courses that run throughout the year. We provide Counselling for Adults, Creative Art Therapist for school going children and a Gambling Counsellor for the Addict and their Families.
Target Group
Familes and their children in the Southside of the City
Open to all
Visit WebsiteLast Updated: 03/04/2024