Saoirse Addiction Treatment Centre
- Drug & Alcohol
- East Limerick
- Limerick City North
- Limerick City South
- Limerick City Centre
- Limerick City (Kings Island)
- West Limerick
Target Age
- Adults (18 years plus)
- Families
Saoirse Addiction Treatment Center provides addiction counselling, harm reduction and abstinence programmes and family programmes and support. The primary issues Saoirse deals with are problem use of alcohol and drugs and gambling. Saoirse currently provides a specific gambling and gaming initiative on a pilot basis. Saoirse is a free and confidential service.
Target Group
Adults 18 and Over currently
Gaming Service 14 yrs and up (Pilot)
We accepts direct referrals and service referrals
Visit WebsiteLast Updated: 26/06/2024