Novas Mid West Community Detox
- Drug & Alcohol
- Health and Primary Care
- East Limerick
- Limerick City North
- Limerick City South
- Limerick City Centre
- Limerick City (Kings Island)
- West Limerick
Target Age
- 16 - 18 years
- 19 - 24 years
- Adults (18 years plus)
The Mid-West Community Detox Programme is part of a nationwide initiative supported by the HSE and the Irish College of General Practitioners, developed to assist people wishing to access safer outpatient detoxification from benzodiazepines and/or methadone. It is based in Novas’ Headquarters on O’Connell Street in Limerick City, and serves Limerick City and County, North Tipperary and County Clare. The service is now available to anyone in the Mid-West seeking help to safely detox.
Target Group
The profile of the clients is wide-ranging, and reflects the fact that anyone, regardless of age or gender, may experience difficulties with dependence on prescription medications. Most clients are seeking to detoxify from benzodiazepines.
For more information or if you would like to participate in the programme, please contact the Community Detox Manager, Julie McKenna, on 061 467480 or
Visit WebsiteLast Updated: 09/01/2025