Limerick Sports Partnership Physcial Activity Programmes
- Drug & Alcohol
- Housing and Homelessness
- Health and Primary Care
- Migrant
- Traveller
- Disability
- East Limerick
- Limerick City North
- Limerick City South
- Limerick City Centre
- Limerick City (Kings Island)
- West Limerick
Target Age
- 0 - 5 years
- 5 - 12 years
- 13 - 18 years
- 16 - 18 years
- 19 - 24 years
- Adults (18 years plus)
- Parents/Guardians
- Families
We provide subsidised physical activity programmes and ‘Come and Try’ sports sessions with the aim of increasing participation in sport and getting Limerick more active. Our programmes cover different ages groups and we provide inclusive physical activity opportunites for people with varying abilities.
Target Group
Open to all with a focus on marginalised communities
Visit our website: where you can view upcoming programmes and also join our mailing list. You can also call 061-333600. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.
Visit WebsiteLast Updated: 03/04/2024