HSE Child Disability Network Teams
- Disability
- Health and Primary Care
- Parenting and Family Support
- East Limerick
- Limerick City North
- Limerick City South
- Limerick City Centre
- Limerick City (Kings Island)
- West Limerick
Target Age
- 0 - 5 years
- 5 - 12 years
- 13 - 18 years
- 16 - 18 years
- Parents/Guardians
- Families
A children’s disability network team (CDNT) provides specialised support and services for children who have a disability and complex health needs associated with their disability. The CDNT supports a child’s development, wellbeing and participation in family and community life. This works best when everyone works together as a team around your child. The team members share their knowledge, information and skills with you and your family so you can support your child’s development. This helps children and young people to develop, learn, and take part in everyday activities. Team members can meet children and families in their home, in school or in our office. There are five Child Disability Network Team in Limerick: Blackberry Park CDNT, East Limerick CDNT, Limerick City South CDNT, Treehouse CDNT and West Limerick CDNT. Contact details can be found here: https://www2.hse.ie/services/disability/childrens-services/services/find-a-cdnt/
Target Group
Children’s disability services are for children and young people up to 18 years who have complex needs.
If you’re worried that your child may have a disability, talk to your GP or public health nurse (PHN) as soon as possible. They can talk to you about what will happen next.
Children who have mild or moderate difficulties may be referred to one or more health professionals in their local primary care services.
Children who have a range of significant difficulties may be referred to a children’s disability network team (CDNT). This is a team of professionals with expertise in disability who work closely together. For more information go to: https://www2.hse.ie/services/disability/childrens-services/services/referral/ Parents can also refer their children using this referral form: https://assets.hse.ie/media/documents/Childrens_Services_Referral_Form.pdf
Visit WebsiteLast Updated: 17/04/2024