Haven Hub Mental Health Wellness and Training
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Information and Advice
- Training Supports
- East Limerick
- Limerick City North
- Limerick City South
- Limerick City Centre
- Limerick City (Kings Island)
- West Limerick
Target Age
- 13 - 18 years
- 16 - 18 years
- 19 - 24 years
- Adults (18 years plus)
- Parents/Guardians
- Families
The Haven Hub run a wide range of mental health courses and programs, designed to keep you out of crisis before you might ever need to use our crisis centres. You don’t need to be suicidal to avail of our supports. All courses are available without cost to the general community. We operate an after hours support in our hub in Bedford Row from 8pm – 1 am on Friday and Saturday evenings. The Haven Hub provides training courses in Mental Health Wellness for individuals in the community, WRAP, (Wellness, Recovery, Action Plan), Decider skills etc These courses enable individuals to proactively manager their mental health
Target Group
All individuals who need support with their Mental Health.
Children under the age of 16 can access our support services with permission from a parent/guardian. They can contact our service via our website, email or whatsApp or call into our hub in Limerick at Bedford Row on a Friday or Saturday evening from 8pm – 1am.
Visit WebsiteLast Updated: 03/04/2024