Community Substance Misuse Team

  • Drug & Alcohol
  • Health and Primary Care
  • East Limerick
  • Limerick City North
  • Limerick City South
  • Limerick City Centre
  • Limerick City (Kings Island)
  • West Limerick
  • 13 - 18 years
  • 16 - 18 years
  • 19 - 24 years
  • Adults (18 years plus)
  • Families

The Community Substance Misuse Team provides a FREE non-judgmental service to parents and adolescents who are impacted through their own or others substance misuse in the Mid-West. CSMT believes change comes from within, this process involves identifying the problem, exploring it and reaching a decision to make some changes in your life. We are aware at a young age young people may experiment with drugs and alcohol amongst other things– it is our job to help you find your way through this period of your life . We use the ACRA model to work with service users which means we look at everything from substance use to family, school, activities, sport, communication and problem solving to help you improve things.

Target Group

Primary age is 13 – 24 years of age but do work with parents when they are impacted by their Childs substance use.


The service is free and can be accessed through the website on the contact page of or by phoning 061318904 or emailing A referral will be raised and within a few days an appointment would be agreed. Referrals can be by professionals, parents or concerned persons but all u18’s will need to get parental consent to continue to be supported.

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Last Updated: 09/01/2025 service

Contact Details

2nd Floor, Arthurs Quay House, Arthurs Quay, Limerick, V94XVRO


Organisation Details

Community Substance Misuse Team

CASP is a charity that has a voluntary Board of Management that manages the CSMT service in the Mid West. CASP provides a range of substance related services to over 18s in our Dublin service and to adolescents and their families within the Mid-West region through CSMT team which covers Clare, Limerick and North Tipperary.

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