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Welcome to

Welcome to, an online directory of services for children, young people and families in Limerick. Using the search facility on this website, you can find the service you’re looking for, in your area.

This website also contains other information such as details about upcoming courses, events or workshops for parents and a resources page. We also welcome any feedback you might have so please feel free to contact us.

The website is compiled and managed by Limerick Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC), together with partner organisations across the county.

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Mother looking at screen with her children

Upcoming Parenting Courses

Programme Name


Start Date

Mellow Bumps Group Programme

  • Limerick City South
  • Limerick City North
  • Limerick City Centre


Parents Plus Children’s Programme

  • West Limerick
  • East Limerick


PEEP antenatal workshop

  • Limerick City South
  • Limerick City North
  • Limerick City Centre


See All Courses